The perfect plant for your personality

Are you considered a trend setter in your friendship circle? Or perhaps you’re known to pinch pennies at every opportunity. No matter your signature traits, there’s a perfect plant out there for you.

What’s your plant personality?

Looking to add a touch of greenery to your abode? Josh O’Meara and Linda Vydra, co-founders of The Jungle Collective, are here to make sure you leave the nursery with the ideal plant for you.

Match your personality with the characteristics they’ve outlined below to discover your perfect plant pairing.

The black thumb

“We’ve all got a friend who could kill a cactus – maybe it’s even you. Their carelessness has them precariously close to throwing the towel in and turning to the dark side of plastic plants…

“But there’s still hope! There are certain fronds that will not only forgive you for neglect, but will love you for it all the same,” Linda says.

“For the black thumbs we recommend the Zanzibar gem. Chuck it in a dark corner, forget to water it for months, and this guy will hum along just fine!”

Zanzibar gem

The Zanzibar gem thrives on neglect. Picture: Getty

The crazy plant lady

“Like a cat lady, but with plants. This person’s home resembles somewhat of a jungle, and if they could do away with the mattress and sleep on a bed of ivy, they would.

“You’ll struggle to find a spare glass in their house (all will be used for propagating), and their walls have started to resemble a lab with designer test tubes, making the most of every spare inch.

“A plant that propagates easily is key for this type of personality. Monsteras tend to be a fave thanks to their robust aerial roots, and it’s hard to go past vines like Devil’s ivy.”

plant filled room

Does this look like your place? Picture: Erinna Giblin

The health conscious

They’re the people who leave us feeling inferior: Motivated, up before sunrise, hitting the gym on the daily and sipping on green juices, all before you’ve even had your morning coffee.

“The health-conscious person wouldn’t just pick a plant for its aesthetic appeal. Their greenery would have to contribute to their healthy lifestyle, too,” says Linda.

“Air-purifying plants are undoubtedly the best choice for this rare breed, and at the top of this list is the mother-in-law’s tongue. They’re a great choice for the bedroom because unlike a lot of plants, these guys can produce oxygen at night, which allows you to breathe easy.”

mother in laws tongue

There’s nothing unfriendly about these plants. Picture: Getty

The trend spotter

Instagram is really just ‘Plantstagram’ for these guys, says Linda. “The trend spotter not only needs the coolest plant right now, they want to push new boundaries and may even have set some trends themselves.

“By now they’ve probably got their hands on some of the coolest fronds around like the begonia maculata, variegated monstera, and pilea, and are looking for something to really provide some Insta-cred.”

For the trend spotter, Linda would recommend something from a faraway shore, like the Stephania erecta or Christia vespertilionis.

trendy plants

Trend spotters are always ahead of the curve, even with their greenery. Picture: Zakkia

The high achiever

How much are you willing to spend on a plant? For the high achiever, there are no limits.

“By now they’ve probably sold a kidney to get their hands on a variegated monstera deliciosa and now have their eyes and wallet squarely directed towards a rare aglaonema pictum tricolour,” says Linda, adding: “One kidney down, all this will take is selling their first-born child!”


You bet the high achiever had this beauty first. Picture: Getty

The wallflower

We all know a quiet achiever; the one who goes about their business, sensitive and conscientious, never keen to take the spotlight but always loving and caring.

What plant might they pick? “We’re thinking something cute that could go into a terrarium like a nerve plant,” Linda says.

“They’ll almost certainly delight in the fragile and elegant oxalis triangularis, whose leaves look like purple butterflies, chase the sun, and close up to sleep at night.”

Oxalis Triangular

Like a beautiful butterfly! Picture: Getty

The penny pincher

There’s a bit of penny pincher in all of us. Choosing fast-growing varieties, plants that easily propagate, and trawling the streets for abandoned plants as people move house are all commendable tactics with merit, Linda says.

“But there are certain species that due to their fast-growing natures and high quantities will always be good value. For the penny pincher, it’s hard to go past a palm. They’re big, they grow quick and they create an instant jungle feel.”

palm tree indoors

The Bangalow palm or majestic palm are often the best bang for buck. Picture: Local Capture

The eccentric

The plant mad are often creative types, and those who love to eschew the norm may gravitate towards plants that look like they’ve fallen out of ET’s bicycle basket.

“Cacti and succulents are popular choices, but have you seen lithops or living stones? Most people are divided as to whether they look like little bums or brains, maybe a combo of both,” says Linda.

“Another sore thumb of the plant world is the juncus effusus spiralis. These guys like lots of water and can even be submerged in water.”


There are countless varieties of cacti to consider. Picture: Erinna Giblin

The old soul

You know the type: Calm and collected, logical and consistent. “This person has probably been into plants for a while, and maybe even cares for their grandparents’ old blooms,” says Linda.

For the old soul, plants are timeless and not trend-based. The peace lily is high on their list for their elegance and beauty.

“Another timeless option is the Boston fern. Their lush greenery creates a soothing boost in wellbeing, and they’re another air-purifying machine, too.”

Read this next: 9 ways plants can boost your health and wellbeing

peace lily

The peace lily is perfect for any bathroom. Picture: Getty

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